Picnic in nature
You will find endless enchanting places to stop for a delicious picnic: in the shade of a pine forest, in the cool of an alpine lake, in the middle of meadows and fragrant flowers …
Some tips:
Near Crystal clear waters:
- Lago di Cassiglio: reachable by car, a nice lake with equipped Picnic area and grills
- Fondi di Piazza Brembana: reachable by car, near to the Brembo river, with equipped Picnic area and grills
- Ponte dell’Acqua – Mezzoldo: reachable by car, near to the Brembo river, near to alpine huts
At high altitude:
- Torcole di Piazzatorre: reachable on foot or by chairlift
- Piani di Bobbio – Valtorta: reachable on foot
- Val d’Inferno – Ornica: reachable on foot
- Piani dell’Avaro – Cusio: reachable by car
- Passo San Marco – Mezzoldo: reachable by car
Near to historic sites:
- Oratorio di San Giovanni a Cusio: lovely oasis with picnic table near the ancient church, reachable with a short walk
- Oasi del Bolgià a Valtorta: restored mills and hammers in a characteristic green oasis near the creek, reachable with a short walk