From Mezzoldo go on along the road up to Passo San Marco. Take the path CAI n° 101 which leads to the Cantoniera San Marco, this is the ancient Via Priula. Follow the way to the main road and turn on the right along the main road for 5o m. After the hairpin turn, take the path CAI n° 113 up to the mountain huts of Ancogno and Dosso. Past a pond, go towards a ruined hut and a drinking trough. Proceed on the left up to a plain, and then up to the mountain hut Gambetta.
Go towards the pine forest, leaving to the left the wetland. Pass close to the cemented hut and go to the pasture. Proceed to a drinking trough and, passing between the lawn and the wood, you will reach a pound. Turn left passing through the wood always following the path CAI n° 113, then climb down along a hard path, which requires excellent technical skills. Climb for a short stretch and go through a landslide area. Climb down and reach a grassy area, go left close to a wooden fence and isolated hut. Turn left and then right, follow the main road up to Sparavera. Go through the ancinent hamlet and turn left at the intersection. Past the valley, take the large path on the left which leads you back to Mezzoldo.