…Mezzoldo Valley

The tour in the Valle di Mezzoldo starts from Piazzolo, the smallest village in Alta Val Brembana. A quick tour in the tiny center, with the church of Santa Maria Assunta, and then you allow yourselves a pleasant regenerating walk on the “Piana di Piazzolo”.








You then move to Piazzatorre, nestled between the Torcole pine forest and the rocks of Monte Secco. A visit to the church, at the beginning of the town, you greet the deer in the park located near the sports center and then enter the pine forest. You can choose how to continue our day: either you reach Torcole on foot (summer and winter by chairlift) to enjoy fantastic views of the Alta Val Brembana, or you head towards Mezzoldo.










If you decide for the second choice, you reach the San Marco Pass to enjoy the view of the Valtellina Alps, with the Pizzo Bernina and the Pizzo Badile. A few steps lead you to discover the trenches of the Cadorna line, and some beautiful rock sculptures. You then descend to the alpin huts and discover the ancient Cantoniera house, with the Lion of Venice, testimony of the time when the Valley was under the dominion of the Serenissima and of the historical importance of these areas. Drive back to Mezzoldo where you get lost in the historic center, crossed by Via Priula, and discover the Antica Dogana. Don’t miss a visit to the hamlet of Sparavera, where you can still breathe an air of old times.


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